Anda ingin belajar membuat Website menggunakan HTML5 dan CSS3 ini adalah Kursus yang sangat cocok buat Anda.
Materi Kursus :
- Some Tips to get you started
- What is HTML?
- Course Exercise and Video Quality
- Code Editor
- First HTML Code
- Exploring the document
- Headings
- Comments, White Space and line breaks
- Popular HTML tags
- Creating Images
- Creating Links
- Clickable Images
- Tables
- Forms
- Lists
- The Rest of the HTML tags
- Inline Style
- Internal Style
- External Style
- Selectors
- Id’s and Classes
- Linking Javascript
- Common Styling Properties
- Inserting Pictures and Styling
- Inserting Pictures Via CSS
- Hover Effect
- Wrapping it up!
- Intro
- Structure
- Menu
- Main Divs
- Footer and more
- Styling Container, body and header
- Styling menu
- Styling main div
- Styling footer part 1
- Styling footer part 2
- Home page image
- About Page
- Form HTML markup
- Styling form part 1
- Styling form part 3
- Styling form part 2
- Intro and what we need!
- Uploading files
- Process PHP page
- Validation on the fly
- Sending emails
- Adding some images
- Finished
File Project juga disediakan buat berlatih di rumah.
Segera Hub :
Jogja Multimedia
Jl. Magelang KM 7,5 Yogyakarta
HP : 0877.3887.5400
WA : 0877.3887.5400
Pin BB : 5229B9B9